Friday, February 8, 2008

impromptu thrifting

Stopped at my mom's this morning to drop something off and the girls begged to stay for a bit - without me. I think Ellie's exact words were, "Don't you have something you need to go do, mom?" Well, if you put it that way. Yes, I do.
Made a quick stop to a nearby thrift shop and picked up a few goodies.

Some black leather samples for future doll shoes.

A vintage toy pattern for Ellie to practice her embroidery and sewing skills. (To be started after I practice my patience skills a bit more.)

A vintage school reader that was going to be cut up for another project until I realized that it's the perfect level for Ellie to read right now. She may get it first. I had to grab it because I rarely find Asian children depicted in an acceptable way in vintage books. I have to settle for any little girls with dark hair (also hard to find).

And this was the find of the day - 5 ziploc bags of buttons for $1.00 each. They obviously came from the same source because when I started to look at them I saw similar buttons in each bag. They're all grouped together on a platter that's about 9X12. The pile is an inch deep in the middle. Money well spent. I'm finding one gem after another in these.

The sun is actually shining right now, so I'm going to plunk myself in front of the dining room windows to soak it in and sort my new treasures.

1 comment:

Susie Sunshine said...

It even LOOKS like Ellie on the cover trying to charm a cookie out of long-toothed Granny!