Look who's been sewing. Santa brought her a Learn to Sew kit* from Moda. In it were an apron that needed pockets and a tote bag that needed side seams and pockets.
She's ripped out her first seam. (And she didn't like it one bit.) Next week we'll work on squaring the bottom of the tote and adding a lining so it lasts a little bit longer.
*It's a really cute kit that requires just a bit of sewing to finish the projects because they do a lot of it for you. The handles and top edges of the tote were already finished. The apron in the kit is completely finished except for the addition of the pockets. The amount of sewing needed pretty much matches her attention span right now.
DAMMIT now even Ellie can sew better than me!
Tell Ellie I LOVE it.
Ellie did a fantastic job! I haven't seen the Moda kits but it is great to see that there are products out there to stimulate the younger generation.
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