Tuesday, March 11, 2008

sewing room accessories

Problem: I have a tendency to buy novelty fabric and then not know what to do with it. I couldn't resist the vintage needlecase design on this yardage (I even have a few of the designs in their original form), but it's not like I'm going to walk around with a skirt or handbag made from it.

Solution: Make stuff for my sewing room. Both items are patterns I made up as I went along.

The machine needle organizer has some timtex in the middle to give it structure. The clear pockets are vinyl, edged with thrifted bias tape.* Once I had the center part done, it was bound just like a quilt with binding strips.

The pouch is a little trash basket that hangs from a hook underneath my sewing table. I'm trying to break myself of the habit I have of throwing snipped threads and fabric on the floor. So far, this bag has only helped mildly. The top portion has a channel through which I threaded a wooden embroidery hoop to keep it open when it hangs.

I couldn't resist making a an actual needlecase out of one of the motifs. The fabric is appliqued to wool felt with a blanket stitch.

*I learned all about dry rot when doing this project. In all the time I've bought vintage trims I never had a problem until I opened a package of old bias tape for this. It literally turned to black dust in my hands.

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